Celebrating 50+ years of service to the community


Service Enterprises, Inc. offers a variety of service options in its efforts to meet
the ever-changing need of the people it serves.
*Day Support Services are designed to provide persons with help to develop and maintain life skills, participate in community life and engage in skills training, including leisure interests, a variety of community integrative activities and personal cares and skills training. Day Supports Services are provided in our center-based facility in Redwood Falls.

*Prevocational Training support under the CADI/TBI Waivers are designed to prepare persons for employment in the community.  Prevocational services are designed to teach elemental work skills and strengthen work capacity to meet task-demands of work.  Our Assembly and Annex work programs teach work skills in our center-based facility.

*Employment Support Services (ESS) are individualized service and supports that assist people with maintaining community employment in an individual or group arrangement in the Redwood Falls and Marshall communities.  This can be a 1:1 to 1:6 ratio, does not require minimum wage and does not require the community business to be the employer of record, but must be a job position in the community (not center-based). 

*Employment Exploration Services (EES) are community-based services that introduce and explore employment, assisting individuals in making an informed choice about working in competitive, integrated employment.  This can be 1:1 to 1:5 ratio.

*Employment Development Services (EDS) are individualized services that help people find competitive, integrated employment or attain self-employment.  This service is provided in a 1:1 ratio.
*= Programs licensed by Minnesota Department of Human Services

CARF Accredited Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Work Evaluations, Job Placement, and Job Coaching services, often referred to as our Fee-for-Service programs, are designed to provide work experience and assessment, competitive job-seeking and placement support, job coaching and job maintenance support.  These fee-for-service programs are purchased on a time limited basis.

Extended Employment Basic (EE) program provides community employment, and is designed to provide individual vocational planning, job seeking and retention skills, on-the-job training, and indefinite employment support for the client. This may be individual placement or placement on a crew or enclave, and is funded through the Department of Economic and Employment Development (DEED).